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105 Computers & InternetOperating Systems > Linux  
ABCs of z OS System Programming Volume 1

The ABCs of z/OS System Programming is a ten volume collection that provides an introduction to the z/OS operating system and the hardware architecture. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced system programmer, the ABCs collection provides the information that you need to start your research into z/OS and related subjects. If you would like to become more familiar with z/OS in your current environment, or if you are evaluating platforms to consolidate your e-business applications, the ABCs collection will serve as a powerful technical tool.
Volume 1 provides an understanding of the software and zSeries architecture and how it is used together with the z/OS operating system. This includes the main components of z/OS needed to customize and install the z/OS operating system.
Specific topics covered in this volume are:
- Introduction to the products and components that make up a z/OS system
- z/OS storage concepts
- The main components needed to install and customize z/OS: TSO/E, ISPF, JCL, and SDSF
- The z/OS delivery options and the download process using the ServerPac option

The contents of the other volumes are as follows:
Volume 2: z/OS implementation and daily maintenance, defining subsystems, JES2 and JES3, LPA, LNKLST, authorized libraries, catalogs
Volume 3: Introduction to DFSMS, storage management
Volume 4: Communication Server, TCP/IP, and VTAM
Volume 5: Base and Parallel Sysplex , system logger, global resource serialization, z/OS system operations, automatic restart management, hardware management console, performance management
Volume 6: RACF , PKI, LDAP, cryptography, Kerberos, and firewall technologies
Volume 7: Infoprint Server, Language Environment , and SMP/E
Volume 8: z/OS problem diagnosis
Volume 9: z/OS UNIX System Services
Volume 10: Introduction to z/Architecture , zSeries processor design, zSeries connectivity, LPAR concepts, and HCD

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to z/OS
Chapter 2. z/OS storage concepts
Chapter 3. TSO/E, ISPF, JCL, and SDSF
Chapter 4. MVS delivery and installation


 Additional Info
 No. 186
 Posted on 8 June, 2006
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