suggested to my brother Todd, who is making the leap from hardware into
programming, that the next big revolution will be in genetic
We'll have microbes designed to make food,
fuel, and plastic; they'll clean up pollution and in general allow us
to master the manipulation of the physical world for a fraction of what
it costs now. I claimed that it would make the computer revolution look
small in comparison. Feedback
I realized I was making a mistake common to science fiction writers:
getting lost in the technology (which is of course easy to do in
science fiction). An experienced writer knows that the story is never
about the things; it's about the people. Genetics will have a very
large impact on our lives, but I'm not so sure it will dwarf the
computer revolution (which enables the genetic revolution)—or at least
the information revolution. Information is about talking to each other:
yes, cars and shoes and especially genetic cures are important, but in
the end those are just trappings. What truly matters is how we relate
to the world. And so much of that is about communication. Feedback
book is a case in point. A majority of folks thought I was very bold or
a little crazy to put the entire thing up on the Web. "Why would anyone
buy it?" they asked. If I had been of a more conservative nature I
wouldn't have done it, but I really didn't want to write another
computer book in the same old way. I didn't know what would happen but
it turned out to be the smartest thing I've ever done with a book. Feedback
one thing, people started sending in corrections. This has been an
amazing process, because folks have looked into every nook and cranny
and caught both technical and grammatical errors, and I've been able to
eliminate bugs of all sorts that I know would have otherwise slipped
through. People have been simply terrific about this, very often saying
"Now, I don't mean this in a critical way..." and then giving me a
collection of errors I'm sure I never would have found. I feel like
this has been a kind of group process and it has really made the book
into something special. Because of the value of this feedback, I have
created several incarnations of a system called "BackTalk" to collect
and categorize comments. Feedback
then I started hearing "OK, fine, it's nice you've put up an electronic
version, but I want a printed and bound copy from a real publisher." I
tried very hard to make it easy for everyone to print it out in a nice
looking format but that didn't stem the demand for the published book.
Most people don't want to read the entire book on screen, and hauling
around a sheaf of papers, no matter how nicely printed, didn't appeal
to them either. (Plus, I think it's not so cheap in terms of laser
printer toner.) It seems that the computer revolution won't put
publishers out of business, after all. However, one student suggested
this may become a model for future publishing: books will be published
on the Web first, and only if sufficient interest warrants it will the
book be put on paper. Currently, the great majority of all books are
financial failures, and perhaps this new approach could make the
publishing industry more profitable. Feedback
book became an enlightening experience for me in another way. I
originally approached Java as "just another programming language,"
which in many senses it is. But as time passed and I studied it more
deeply, I began to see that the fundamental intention of this language
was different from other languages I had seen up to that point. Feedback
is about managing complexity: the complexity of the problem you want to
solve, laid upon the complexity of the machine in which it is solved.
Because of this complexity, most of our programming projects fail. And
yet, of all the programming languages of which I am aware, none of them
have gone all-out and decided that their main design goal would be to
conquer the complexity of developing and maintaining programs.[1]
Of course, many language design decisions were made with complexity in
mind, but at some point there were always some other issues that were
considered essential to be added into the mix. Inevitably, those other
issues are what cause programmers to eventually "hit the wall" with
that language. For example, C++ had to be backwards-compatible with C
(to allow easy migration for C programmers), as well as efficient.
Those are both very useful goals and account for much of the success of
C++, but they also expose extra complexity that prevents some projects
from being finished (certainly, you can blame programmers and
management, but if a language can help by catching your mistakes, why
shouldn't it?). As another example, Visual BASIC (VB) was tied to
BASIC, which wasn't really designed to be an extensible language, so
all the extensions piled upon VB have produced some truly horrible and
unmaintainable syntax. Perl is backwards-compatible with Awk, Sed,
Grep, and other Unix tools it was meant to replace, and as a result is
often accused of producing "write-only code" (that is, after a few
months you can't read it). On the other hand, C++, VB, Perl, and other
languages like Smalltalk had some of their design efforts focused on
the issue of complexity and as a result are remarkably successful in
solving certain types of problems. Feedback
has impressed me most as I have come to understand Java is that
somewhere in the mix of Sun's design objectives, it appears that there
was the goal of reducing complexity for the programmer. As if
to say "we care about reducing the time and difficulty of producing
robust code." In the early days, this goal resulted in code that didn't
run very fast (although there have been many promises made about how
quickly Java will someday run) but it has indeed produced amazing
reductions in development time; half or less of the time that it takes
to create an equivalent C++ program. This result alone can save
incredible amounts of time and money, but Java doesn't stop there. It
goes on to wrap many of the complex tasks that have become important,
such as multithreading and network programming, in language features or
libraries that can at times make those tasks easy. And finally, it
tackles some really big complexity problems: cross-platform programs,
dynamic code changes, and even security, each of which can fit on your
complexity spectrum anywhere from "impediment" to "show-stopper." So
despite the performance problems we've seen, the promise of Java is
tremendous: it can make us significantly more productive programmers. Feedback
of the places I see the greatest impact for this is on the Web. Network
programming has always been hard, and Java makes it easy (and the Java
language designers are working on making it even easier). Network
programming is how we talk to each other more effectively and cheaper
than we ever have with telephones (email alone has revolutionized many
businesses). As we talk to each other more, amazing things begin to
happen, possibly more amazing even than the promise of genetic
engineering. Feedback
all ways—creating the programs, working in teams to create the
programs, building user interfaces so the programs can communicate with
the user, running the programs on different types of machines, and
easily writing programs that communicate across the Internet—Java
increases the communication bandwidth between people. I think
that the results of the communication revolution may not be seen from
the effects of moving large quantities of bits around; we shall see the
true revolution because we will all be able to talk to each other more
easily: one-on-one, but also in groups and, as a planet. I've heard it
suggested that the next revolution is the formation of a kind of global
mind that results from enough people and enough interconnectedness.
Java may or may not be the tool that foments that revolution, but at
least the possibility has made me feel like I'm doing something
meaningful by attempting to teach the language