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105 Computers & InternetProgramming > General  
HTML Tutorial

HTML Versions

You should be aware that there are historically many versions of the HTML specification. You will read most about the HTML 3.0, 3.2, and 4.0 specification. I have tried to display HTML tags and attributes that are supported by the 3.2 and 4.0 specification, but cannot guarantee that all tags and attributes contained herein will work in all versions of HTML. There are several HTML common document types when refering to HTML 4.0 which are:

  • Strict - HTML 4.0 without frame or HTML 3.2 depreciated feature support.
  • Frame - HTML 4.0/3.2 with frame support.
  • Transitional or loose - Supports features of HTML 3.2 that are being depreciated in HTML 4.0. This DTD does not support framesets. Some depreciated tags/elements not supported by strict HTML 4.0 are CENTER, FRAME, FRAMESET, NOFRAMES, IFRAME, ISINDEX, DIR, MENU, APPLET, BASEFONT, FONT, S, STRIKE, and U.

This tutorial covers most commonly used HTML elements and attributes, but not all. For an excellent source of information regarding available HTML 4.0 elements and attributes, refer to the Web Design Group's web page, HTML 4.0 Reference section. Used in combination with information from the Web Design Group and the World Wide Web Consortium web pages (See the links section or "Recommended Reading" section of this document for URL) this document should provide a thorough introduction to HTML.


 Additional Info
 No. 279
 Posted on 8 June, 2006
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